on behalf of

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Dear Colleague, Dear Friend,

It is my pleasure and honour to welcome you to “Nice-Preservation Rhinoplasty 2025 – The Masters”.

This year, the meeting will take place from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd March 2025 at the Palais de la Méditerranée, Hyatt Regency, Nice, France.

The aim of this 3-day meeting is to discuss the most recent advances introduced by the rhinoplasty masters. Moreover, exclusive in this meeting:

  • 8 live surgeries performed by leading surgeons
  • A “1-Year Later Session” has been introduced. The patients operated in 2024 will come on the podium to share their rhinoplasty-experience. This will give the opportunity to discuss the post operative outcome with their surgeons
  • New concepts and procedures described this year such as “rhinodesis” and “rhinomyoplasty” will be introduced, emphasizing the place of the soft tissues management in rhinoplasty.

Since 2024, a special “Masterclass for Beginners” is preceding the main meeting on Thursday 20th.This Masterclass has been introduced to help the beginners in better understanding PR concepts and procedures. So doing, the main meeting will focus on the expertise presented by world recognized experts in Preservation Rhinoplasty.

Last but not least, a nice exhibition providing a wide range of devices, the friendly atmosphere and the location along the Promenade des Anglais on the Mediterranean seashore are part of the trade mark of Nice Preservation Rhinoplasty, very much appreciated by the participants coming from over than 52 countries since 2019.

I and the organizing committee wish you an enjoying meeting

With my best personal regards,

Dr Yves Saban

Conference Director

Under the High Auspices

Our Partners

Location : Nice, France

HYATT Palais de la Méditerranée is located at 13 Promenade des Anglais in Nice

Exit “Promenade des Anglais” on highway A8 from Marseille or Monaco

  • Airport Nice-Côte d’Azur at 5km / 30min
  • Train station at 1.5 km / 15 min
  • Monaco : 20 km / 60min, 15 minutes from the airport by helicopter
  • Cannes : 20 km / 60 min